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Bacon Wrapped Chicken Stuffed With Cheese and Mashed Potatoes

Prep Time:

Cook Time:



15 Minutes

40 minutes

4 Servings


About the Recipe

Beautiful moist chicken wrapped in bacon and served with mash potatoes that is to die for


800g Potatoes

50g Butter

100ml Milk

300g Green Beans

2 Chicken breast Fillets

30g Cheese

2 Bacon Rashers


Step 1

Using a sharp knife slit the chicken breast in half, but don't go all the way through

Step 2

Carefully stuff the cheese inside the chicken breast folding rge other half over to envelope the cheese

Step 3

Wrap each piece of bacon around the chicken breasts, aiming to get the end of the bacon underneath the chicken, Secure in place with a cocktail stick.

Step 4

Preheat the oven to gas mark 4 (180). Put the chicken on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 20 minutes

Step 5

For the mash: Boil the potaoes in a pan of boiling water until soft. Drain and mash with the butter and milk. Season with salt and pepper. Steam the green beans until tender and serve.

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